8:32 PM
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I've been dreaming upside down.
Days float by, little butterflies in the air, I can't seem to grab hold of them, always just a little too high.
I'm so very happy these days. So very much in love with me, my life, and the people who want to share it with me. Everything seems far-off and from far-away you can't see the cracks, the holes, the wrinkles on the surface. From fair away, everything is perfect. Everything is perfect when you slow down and back off. My biggest problem is I get too close, too involved and then I think and stew on them. I don't know how not to think.
I suppose I'd rather think too much than too little, but sometimes curiousity and emotion are like the match and the fuse and all the rest of the time you're just waiting for the big explosion. I don't really know. I don't even know if I can accurately examine myself, my life.
There's something about the quiet and the smell of snow and the people too. The people and their vivid colors, popping up off the snow, three dimensional and alive. Ahhh. I don't really know what I've been thinking these days. I don't even know if I've had time to think except in the context of conversations.
And then sometimes I get to thinking too much again about love and life and purpose and I get filled with so many thoughts that I turn inward to that place deep within. It isn't a dark place, just far back, distant. And you can't really tell that you've gone there because you lose a certain consciousness, a certain connection to the real world and just wander about inside yourself wondering which way to go and all the while the Chesire Cat sits there, smiling.
It's like those times when you stumble upon some great line in a book and have to stop reading for a moment because you can't believe someone could know you that well or could write something so beautiful. The story doesn't stop, it lives without you while your gone, but you, you stop living for a moment, a great pause in the unpausable, and then when you continue on again its as if it never happened. But you know it did. The world stopped for a moment and you were the only one to notice.
Well, I'm running on coffee-shop thoughts. My eyes are starting to blur and I have to go read some more. Wordsworth is brilliant.
7:36 PM
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I am the proverbial black cat. Watch your back boys, I'm bad luck.
It's strange but being back here isn't all that bad. I brought back a cactus but he's already going brown. I named him Harold. I really hope he doesn't die.
I want to bite into life and let its juice drip down my face, wet, sticky, and glorious. Oh watermellon. I wish you wouldn't be so down. Sing it man. Sing it.
And we are all going to be ok in the end.
I just thought you deserved to know that.
We are all going to be ok in the end.
I'm so damn sure about that, just so damn sure.
10:49 PM
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I want to go to sleep but I don't want to go to bed. Or maybe I want to go to bed but I don't want to go to sleep. Sleep to dream, dream to wake, wake to live, live to die. Everything's for something else. Your life was never about you. Haven't you learned anything yet?
It's too late and my mind is shutting off. I'm not sure these words make sense or if I am typing them just because I like the sound of my fingers on the keyboard, like little cat feet running across a lineolium floor.
Do you hear what I hear?
Good. At least one of us is sane.
1:59 PM
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You said today was the first day of the rest of our lives, strange, but I believe you.
10:46 PM
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Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.What a lie.
People always remember mean.
You remember the boy who picked on you so much more vividly than the one who pulled your hair. I hate fighting. I hate arguing. I hate how I always remember every nasty little thing everybody says.I'm not invincible on the inside.
1:43 PM
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This spider web life of mine has left me hanging by a thread.
5:12 AM
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It makes me sad that I can fight so easily with the people I love. I want to change. I knew things would be okay but I don't like this feeling. Insecurity is hell. I'm glad I saw you and told you and we fixed things. I hope I can change. Why is it that the people you love most, always end up being the ones you fight with?
No more. I'm going to go with the flow, roll with the waves. It'll be smooth sailing from now on.
This storm is over.
4:54 AM
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I like when I turn the radio on because I forget my ipod and its playing just the right song and I get really happy and start to car dance and the people driving by think I'm weird but then they smile because...they just do. it makes me happy.
I like singing in the rain and jumping in puddles and getting my jeans all muddy because I don't own rain boots. I wish I did. They'd have polka dots or maybe lady bugs on them. It would make me smile. Or maybe they'd be lime green and purple. Cool.
I like washing dishes by hand and taking my time to do things. I wish I could walk to Chicago. I think that would be so cool. So old school. I don't know why. I think I'd learn a lot about myself and people.
I like giving gifts from the heart. Even if they take a long time to make and don't come out perfectly. I like to think I put a little piece of me in each one for people to take with them. I like people knowing how much they mean to me.
I like being whimsical and never knowing where things are going to take me.
I like to put on outfits that don't really match just because they make me laugh and everyone else smile. They're only clothes. Why be normal when you could be funky and make people happy?
I like believing that money doesn't matter. I'd pretty sure I could be flat broke and be 100% happy. I like giving my money away. Buying presents or giving it to people who need it more. I want my heart to move the world not my money.
I like simple gestures of kindness.
I like stories that are inspiring, ones that move your heart and make you think that you too can change the world.
I like innocence
I like having my breath taken away by beauty and kindness. Like when you look at a photograph or the leaves in fall and realize how beautiful everything is.
I like liking things. I don't like using the word dislike or hate. I like being positive and uplifting. I like to think that humanity could change itself and the world for the better. I like glowing and passing that fire on to others.
I like many more things. Big fluffy socks that make your feet stay warm. Bright colors that say "Look over here!" Music that makes your soul dance. Creativity that inspires. Writing. Bass strings. Eyes. Hands. Rootbeer. Finding sea-glass on the beach. Remembering old friends and looking forward to new ones. I like seeing him happy. I like when we don't fight. I like knowing that this is right.
2:27 PM
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I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop, a saxophone, and a cellphone. Curious arrangement. I've been thinking again about too many things. Lately I've been slumbering through the days waiting for some great cause to come and sweep me away. Been dreaming of places I haven't seen again. I can envision myself living my life so many different ways. It's weird to think about. Everyday you wake up with limitless possibilities. It's quite overwhelming.
Recently I've been doing a lot of reading on Western Medicine and Meditation. This isn't anything new. I've been thinking I'd like to do the "Master Cleanse" but I'm scrawny as it is. I could probably use the detoxification...I feel like I'm full of bad energy. Bad thoughts are bugs crawling in your insides gnawing their way out.
It's time to die.
This is my phoenix life.
10:31 PM
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It's strange to me that I've already gone a year without my best friend. Even stranger the fact that I will have to continue to go on without her for the rest of my life. She wasn't a "dog" to me. She was never inferior. Verbally we couldn't communicate, but we always knew. Dogs are people too. Ah, Samantha. I hope Heaven is treating you well. The memories we shared will stay with me for the rest of my life.
You'll never know how much it meant to me that you wanted me holding you when you died, that you waited until I was holding you to go. I know you're watching over me. I miss you friend. I'd do anything for another day with you. Visit in my dreams.
I'm sorry, but right now, I cannot write anymore.
Rest in peace.