I Miss The Way You Sing Low...
8:32 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have the pokemon theme song stuck in my head again. Don't really have much else to say. I'm sitting here eating gummy bears.
I should be reading Dante's Inferno. I don't care what anyone else says. It is perhaps the single worst book I've ever read. So dry. Frankly reading it is hell. What a crappy piece of writing. You want a book about hell. Fine then, I'll give you a book about Hell. And it'll be better than your crappy Italian knock off. Those Italians. They can cook. They can build. They can farm. But they sure as hell can't write. It's apparent when you name such a crappy author the "founder" of your "language and literature." You guys should have stuck with Latin.
Haha. I don't even know what I'm saying.
The new Copeland CD (Eat, Sleep, Repeat) came out today. I hate how anticipation can kill something that is legitimately good. Expectations ruin everything. It's a good CD but Beneath the Medicine Tree was much better or at least much more dynamic.
Not to say Eat, Sleep, Repeat isn't. It has moments of brilliance. But overall there is a lack of unification between words and sounds. Or the sounds just blend together. The chorus and the verse are identical and you're stuck with an achromatic picture where lights and darks are used sparsely. Stuck inside the middle. Drowning in their indecision.
If you're going to write music make it melodic. No one likes monotony.
I still like it and by common standards it's quite good. Comparing it to their past work, however, it is a bit of a letdown...But it was too much...Shouldn't have expected another song like "California" or "Brightest." "Love Affair" comes close, but only because they add some horns.
And not to mention "Coffee," "Testing the Strong Ones," and "California". This album just doesn't match up. The lyrics are trite at times, generic at others, and, on the occasion, brilliant. There isn't really any consistency either. They don't really create any unified pieces. "Love Affair" comes close.
I haven't listened to the last two songs. Itunes messed up. They have to figure stuff out before they send me the last two. Talk about lame.
So this turned into somewhat of a review.
Who cares.
"Live, live, live because you love, love, love"
Go out. Be merry. But watch your back.
It's halloween
I should be reading Dante's Inferno. I don't care what anyone else says. It is perhaps the single worst book I've ever read. So dry. Frankly reading it is hell. What a crappy piece of writing. You want a book about hell. Fine then, I'll give you a book about Hell. And it'll be better than your crappy Italian knock off. Those Italians. They can cook. They can build. They can farm. But they sure as hell can't write. It's apparent when you name such a crappy author the "founder" of your "language and literature." You guys should have stuck with Latin.
Haha. I don't even know what I'm saying.
The new Copeland CD (Eat, Sleep, Repeat) came out today. I hate how anticipation can kill something that is legitimately good. Expectations ruin everything. It's a good CD but Beneath the Medicine Tree was much better or at least much more dynamic.
Not to say Eat, Sleep, Repeat isn't. It has moments of brilliance. But overall there is a lack of unification between words and sounds. Or the sounds just blend together. The chorus and the verse are identical and you're stuck with an achromatic picture where lights and darks are used sparsely. Stuck inside the middle. Drowning in their indecision.
If you're going to write music make it melodic. No one likes monotony.
I still like it and by common standards it's quite good. Comparing it to their past work, however, it is a bit of a letdown...But it was too much...Shouldn't have expected another song like "California" or "Brightest." "Love Affair" comes close, but only because they add some horns.
Still. I like some of the lyrics in this one.
"I think I'm safer on an airplane
I think I'm safer in the sky up above
I think I'm safer on the jetway,
Than in a world without love. "
- Copeland
But they don't get much more complicated. Nothing to pull at your heartstrings. Nothing to make your brain think a little. They set the bar too high with Beneath the Medicine Tree because "Brightest" wow... What a brilliant piece of writing and then what they do with it. Perfect.
If you find yourself here on my side of town
I'd pray that you'd come to my door
Talk to me like you don't know what we ever fought about
Cause I don't remember anymore
I just know that she warms my heart
And knows what all my imperfections are
And she said that I was the brightest little firefly in her jar
- Copeland
And not to mention "Coffee," "Testing the Strong Ones," and "California". This album just doesn't match up. The lyrics are trite at times, generic at others, and, on the occasion, brilliant. There isn't really any consistency either. They don't really create any unified pieces. "Love Affair" comes close.
I haven't listened to the last two songs. Itunes messed up. They have to figure stuff out before they send me the last two. Talk about lame.
So this turned into somewhat of a review.
Who cares.
"Live, live, live because you love, love, love"
Go out. Be merry. But watch your back.
It's halloween
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