"Nobody Can Be Uncheered by a Balloon..."

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Most days, you wake up in the morning only to look outside your window. Nothing particularly extraordinary happens. Maybe you have a noteworthy thought but nothing life-altering.

Some days are just another tick mark on the calendar, another number off the great count-down. You go through them half awake, running on coffee thoughts. Or you lose your head behind a wall of grey. The colors are always fading then. Somedays are good, somedays are bad, but none seem particularly important. Looking back, they're indecipherable. They bleed together into one long memory punctuated with ellipses that mean "what if..." Or "maybe tomorrow" or "hopefully" but nothing ever comes of them. Your life becomes one long run-on sentence, and you know all you really need is a stop, a pause to catch your breath.

And you know somewhere in all the chaos that is your life you find that pause. Even though it may take months or even years to find it. But you'll know it when you find it. And a pause isn't a vacation from life. That's not a pause at all. A pause is a moment where everything shuts down. Your caterpillar-soul finally breaks through the cocoon its been living in for so long and you fly out eager to finally greet the rest of the world gasping for the greatest parts of life to come into you, like a kid that spent to long in the deep end of a pool and rushes to the top to take the biggest breath he can and boy, does that oxygen taste good.

Well you know that saying, "You don't know what you got till it's gone," well it works both ways. You don't know what you were missing until you get it. It's like an inside joke that's gone over your head for years and suddenly you get it and burst out laughing. Oh the stupidity - of course that's what it was.

Of course, of course, of course. Except, I know that's not the case. Living in the moment, you can never recognize the problem - you only know there is one. Hindsight is everything.

The best day of your life is the day you can look yourself in the mirror and see yourself as you are, in this very moment, and accept yourself for who you are. When you can look past all your faults and all the things you've done wrong and all the things you could have done or should have done or should be doing and honestly say that right now things are as best as they can be. I am as good a person I can be. I'm doing the best I can. And if you aren't happy with what that is you know that you can change it.

The best day of your life is when you look in the mirror and accept who you are and accept responsibility for all that was and that will be as your own doing...
When you can do that you will always be able to find happiness.
This is my red balloon and I'm giving it to you...
(that's all life was ever about anyways...)