Feel the Beat
10:42 AM Posted In Cactus , Family , Harold , Music , Pictures , Thorns Edit This 0 Comments »
Somedays all you need is a steady stream of music soaring through the sky to send you skipping. Today is one of those days. It's 12:42 and I'm wondering where everyone is. The high speed scene is flying past again and I'm stuck on the ground watching it go by. Glorious.
I've never put a picture on my blog before. Congrats Harold. You're a first. This picture was taken awhile ago. In the back are his brothers. Got myself a little cactus family. At least they keep all their thorns on the outside so you know what you're getting yourself into.
And you know there are questions you'll never know the answer to until you have the courage to answer them with your heart. Honesty can be so refreshing, so brutal.
Anyways, I think Harold is dying again. I can't really tell anymore. He's always turning brown then white then brown againl. Maybe I should water him. I have watered him since January...but he's a cactus.

Ummm. I really enjoyed posting that picture. You can expect more where that came from.
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