"Circle of Addiction"

5:46 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Sometimes summer gets so circular, you find yourself starting back at the beginning rather than the end rehashing old problems and wondering why they haven't gone away or why no one has made any effort to solve them.

This summer has been weird and I don't know if I'm sad that it's over or not. It was quite arguably one of my most memorable summers and perhaps the best summer yet, but the jury's still out.

I still find myself at the end of the day wondering who I should call to tell it's over: "The sun is gone. Night's fallen. But don't worry, the stars didn't crushed me and the sky that looked so heavy, well it's still on my back and I'm still walking. We'll see just how far I can get."

I feel like a thousand red balloons released into the sky. I'm totally at the whim of something else here. And whether it all stays together or all falls apart sometimes feels as far from my decision as just about anything could be.

So what you do is you keep walking.
You don't keep writing .

Because every time you stop to put the pen down and scrawl something new out you just remember all that you were trying to forget. The weight of a burden that's so heavy you can't even stop to think about it. What that weight is, I don't know. And it isn't that you aren't happy.

It's just you'd gotten so used to putting yourself last and everyone else first. But now there really isn't anyone to put in front of you.

Here you are.
Exposed to yourself.

Except there is nothing to be exposed to. You know yourself inside and out and have made your peace. So you're standing in front of the mirror, waiting for judgment to come: "Mirror mirror on the wall..."

But you don't know what your supposed to ask because the only thing you're feeling right now is the guilt of six billion people's problems and not knowing where to begin or even how to attempt to solve them. But that's what you have to do because what else are you supposed to do, except help people?

And sometimes you're forced to wonder about your philosophies because it seems like whenever you go back to the looking-glass it's because you've been screwed over by somebody else. Again and again and again.

And you kind of have to wonder about that but you know you're in the right.
It makes you wonder a lot of things about a lot of people.

Let me go.

Keep Rising Nature

2:50 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I wrote a poem and then broke up with it
The words cheated on me the way
God cheated Cain and said this isn’t good enough
I rewrote myself in red ink bubbling up from the ground
The sound of self-sacrifice pounding from my pen writing
sailboats and shotguns, weddings and funerals,
glasses of champagne and glasses smashed open

I woke up last night to the sound of the ocean
opened my eyes and felt the pulse of God
brushing cold against my feet,
his tears smeared across the sky
Echoed in the moonlight
The last I love you he ever wrote

You know, people forget God had a Daughter
We named her Nature she was so beautiful that we
beat her then raped her then permanently maimed her

There are days where I just want to stop breathing
Because my soul is heaving with the weight of
what the world has done.

I can’t stop grieving
For all that we’ve lost just so the cost
would go down and the profits rise
We’ve got our guns to the ground
And all we do is fire


And that’s how my life feels right now.
Everywhere I go there’s another orange sign
Illuminating exit but none of them lead
Out of the building, just further into my mind
I’m choking on smoke and walking in circles

Questions like seeds get planted in my mind
they grow up like trees and move with the breeze
I am never free of the forests sprouting up
In my soul and all too quickly I get lost
Someone said to me my questions
are the digestion of guilt
Of all that’s gone wrong in this world

I want to quilt the earth a bandaid
made out of dedicated souls
And tell Nature she’ll be okay
Tell her to get up in the morning
Tell her that she’s got to keep going, keep rising
Because the tipping point will come
And there will be a day when it stops hurting

Keep rising nature, keep going
The time will come when we learn
That life is not about what you earn
It’s about what you do and who you do it with
It’s about who you love and what you give
It’s about hugs and kisses,
Birthday cards and farewell wishes, about getting
your hands dirty, about doing the dishes.

Life is not about sitting around.
Life is the verb that makes your blood pound
It’s about pouring your soul into the ground
and watching it rise up out of the earth
leaving the dirt behind as it blooms

I want to unravel the sky
And knit it back together
Stitch the sun so it shines
Through all the smog we’ve smeared
Across our horizons

I start crying when
I go outside and realize
I cannot see the stars
How far have we come?
We don’t even run from

Our house is burning
But no one’s turning a head
To acknowledge the smoke we’re
choking on.

The elephant isn’t in the room
He’s stampeding down the hall
But all we can do is watch from afar
Pretending we don’t hear a thing.

Keep rising nature, keep going
For there will be a day when we realize
Life isn’t about dollar signs
It’s about the conversations that are
the constellations of your life
That steer your soul in directions
You never thought you could go.

Keep rising nature, Keep going
And I’ll do my part to start the revolution
So here I am to tell you the problem:

Life is about relationships
But all too often I see people
Praying in a church who’s steeple
Is an antenna
Watching the world rather than living in it

So go out and birth your church somewhere else
Give the keys to your kingdom away
And let today be the day when everyone is welcomed
And then invite them to stay as long as they like.

Keep Growing

5:11 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
My mind is running on anything but empty, but every time i try and pour myself on paper the ink runs dry. I can't seem to find what it is that's haunting my mind. Everything is running in circles and I'm getting lost in the loop.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Everything seems to be breaking itself down into its simplest form but I'm resisiting change.

"Your tongue is a rudder that steers the whole ship" but my mouth has been closed for days. I'm drifting in between thought and dream. Sometimes life gets going so fast that you get lost in the inertia. You'd think living on a boat would slow things down, but it doesn't at all.

I'm moving faster than ever but all I want to do is stop. Rewind. Backtrack. Your heart is a record stuck going in circles singing out the sweetest of melodies, the saddest of songs.

I'm tired of people being mean. I just don't understand the concept. I'm tired of being on the receiving end of every bad intention gone horribly right. I'm tired of being a punching bag just because I'm strong enough to stand the bruises. I'm tired of taking other peoples losses on my shoulders when no one will take mine.

Sometimes my optimism is a curse. Instead of disliking others I just end up mad at myself wishing I could be angry, wishing I could stoop down to that level and just tell everyone to go away. But I'm incapable of disliking a person. I'm incapable of not-forgiving. Maybe that's a good thing.

Except it seems to run against everything everyone else believes in.

Still there are days where I walk
With my ear to the ground so I can hear the earth pound
Out her faint pulse that's echoed in six billion heartbeats
But I am still confounded by the fact
That I'm surrounded by a sea of faces
Crowned in scorn

I want to tell them
Love is never the color of blood.
It's blue like the life pumping inside you,
like the sky echoing above you.
Love is not red because red is the color of stop
and love is always on GO.
There's no slowing down no cautionary thoughts.
I've never heard of a love where you only give a part of your heart.
You give it all.

And sometimes it gets broken.

Sometimes you get so hurt and torn open
that your soul can seep out of the cracks.
You just have to remember that it may be December
but it's summer on the other side of the world.
So plow yourself open and move yourself to grow
lnto the brightest star you've ever seen
Into the vision that makes up the best dream you've ever had
And then, keep dreaming it.

And if you fall, fall knowing
That someone is making a wish on you
Fall knowing that a million faces are watching
and waiting and praying on you

Fall knowing your going to climb up again
Fall knowing that sometimes you fall at the start but you keep running
Sometimes you fall off the swing but you get back on and keep jumping
Sometimes you fall flat on your face in a front of a crowd
But your heart will keep thumping

So start conducting the beat of your life
Because life is a symphony where the high notes
Are laughter and the low notes
The beginnings to happily ever afters
So stop waiting and start playing

Because even in autumn beauty occurs
You drive to New England and see the trees unfurl
The pearls of their soul in red, orange, and yellow

So don't stop now, keep going
If your stuck in a storm, keep rowing
If the walls starting growing around you, start mowing the down
Because life is too short to let someone else box you in
So glue your eyes to the sky and listen

Sometimes cruelty is the giver of what you need most
Sometimes love is a parasite and your body’s the host
Sometime your world has to flood, you save what you need
Get on the boat till the waters recede
Leaving the ground ten-thousand times more fertile
Than it ever was before.

Tonight, I'm a wildflower growing on the side of a mountain
Naked and lonely with my heart exposed to the sun
Waiting for the rain to come find me
So I can grow and become the beauty
That a hiker finds and will treasure
So much he'll want to pick me
But he knows I need me roots in the soil
So I can keep blooming

I want to be loved like that
Loved so much you can't measure.

Tomorrow I'm the penny thrown into a fountain
That you made your wish on.
But don't go home and wait for me to come true
Come and find me, I've already started looking for you.

Pretty good for a half hour...
Work Time