10:09 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
It's amazing the things you can do while the sun's still shining. Isn't it strange how days always seem to slowly drift by but how time still passes so quickly? The days are stacking up like granite slabs to build the next wonder of the world.
I love how everything you see always seems more beautiful. Every moment just zen. The blades of the grass, the way the sun catches the waves rolling into shore with their long hellos and slow goodbyes, the dance of glowing emberss on the wind like little stars travelling just about your head little constellations trying to guide you home.
Yesterday was nothing short of amazing. Somedays you just live the dream. Paddle. Hike. Climb. Good company. Great Views. What more could you want?
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I love how everything you see always seems more beautiful. Every moment just zen. The blades of the grass, the way the sun catches the waves rolling into shore with their long hellos and slow goodbyes, the dance of glowing emberss on the wind like little stars travelling just about your head little constellations trying to guide you home.
Yesterday was nothing short of amazing. Somedays you just live the dream. Paddle. Hike. Climb. Good company. Great Views. What more could you want?
More later.