
10:37 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
The way the sun shines out onto forever creating a golden ocean could make you cry. In the right light, it almost looks like a serving platter. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find an enormous feast spread out over the ocean. Eat up.

The mountains look like giant lizards that long ago found themselves in a warm sunny spot and decided to lie down and ended up being absorbed by the ground. Trees slowly weaving their way in and amongst their scales, until one day you couldn't even see their faces.

Do you know what a thousand years of snow looks like? The bluest ice you've ever seen. The way those swedish eyes will stun you, so will the cold snow that carved them.

From where I'm standing I can see a hundred years of history. Below my feet is a foundation put up in 1902. Everything decomposes into something else. Sometimes you see the world just as it is. Mostly my mind reads in metaphor. Today the sky is sleeping on the rocks letting the gentle till of the ocean wash her back. She's singing "the field's are burning, the fire's warm, come on mama, take me home."

Somedays you get so out of touch with a conversation you just sit there and mock it in your head. God or no God, live laugh love and celebrate life. Simple pleasures always taste better when your smiling and surrounded by the people you love. Last night at the campfire everyone started takling about religion but I couldn't be moved to say a thing. In the end, the things we know about are enough. In the end, the mystery is what you need. In the end, quiet faith keeps it real.

No matter how far we've come, it says a lot to say that by a campfire near the ocean settled down between some trees is still the only place I'd like to be. We dream big and live big, but in the end all it takes is a couple of happy souls and some warm embers to catch your heart on fire.

Love this life. Dig the simplicity. Breathe deep. Sometimes the only way to fly is off the deep end. Sometimes the only place to breathe is underwater. Catch a wave and choke on it. The suck in that sweet oxygen after you break the surface. From the bottom of the pool the sun always looks a million times more inviting. The light at the end of the tunnel. That next place.

Keep swimming kid. Jaws is in the water, but who gives a damn.
Living never felt this good.

More later.