Choppin' Meat

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I just spent about a half hour hacking at a 50 pound block of frozen meat. I go at with this huge ax. It's a great way to take out aggression or get a work out. I have to break it into 10 semi-even pieces. It's quite fun though picking up the "shards" is kind of nasty. This meat is basically everything that people don't eat, bones and all - so naturally it smells hideous.

I'm also currently trying to thaw a frozen bucket of dog food. So far I have boiled water to put in the bucket 3 different times but to no success. I have now filled up the tub with hot water and letting the bucket soak in there. The downside is, I now have to take a shower with the dog food. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that it stinks. Oh well.

After that's done I get to shovel more poop and try and make the doors to the kennel work again... I don't think I will have much success -- there is too much ice frozen to the ground for me to break through. I will do my best though!