4:46 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
It's currently 8:50 and Lev isn't back yet. That means we probably won't get out to the trail til around 10:30 -- if we are lucky, which means another night that I spend up until 2:30 or 3:30 am. But no complaints, well not really anyway. The trail is beautiful in the dark and there is something to be said about traveling at night with only the lone bright spot of your headlamp lighting up the darkness ahead. It's also kind of like a roller-coaster. We travel so fast down hill it's scary. On average the team goes about 13mph downhill, however, its much faster.

So when you can't see and you go down hill into a sharp turn, things can get pretty interesting. I'm learning however to hang on for dear life. It helps that hauling around poop all day has built my upper body strength back up, though it could still use some work.

I spent another afternoon driving to and from the vets. Poor Hazel.

The dogs are outside making a racket probably because they know it's well past their dinner time. I can't blame them. I don't actually know if I will go out with Lev tonight. He only had me water eleven dogs... then again, they only go about 11 miles so I probably will go.

I spent the afternoon trying to fix my headlamp and failed. Instead, I ordered a new one knowing I can return this broken POS to REI when I have some free time. Sure, I could live without it and use one of Lev's head lamps but I like mine. Plus, his required wearing battery packs on your hip and when you fall off the sled and land on one of those it's probably the most painful thing ever. It's only happened once so far, but once is enough. Anyways, if you need a good head lamp get the black diamond icon from REI that way when it goes all hay-wire you can return it, no questions asked. I also ordered some new carhartts. Guess I went on a little bit of a spending spree. Seeing, however, that I spend all day in the same nasty little pair of snowpant that have turned this nasty shade of reddish-grey from chopping meat and having puppies paw at me all day.

Willow is outside and has been barking for about two hours straight. For the most part, the dogs are really quiet and mind to themselves. Randomly the choir will start up, but it usually only lasts ten or fifteen minutes. I'm tempted to go out and see why she's barking, but I know she is just being Willow. She's probably annoyed because when I gave out broth earlier this evening she didn't get any and she's sharp enough know that that means she won't be running tonight. Tough luck, kid. Plus, I'm warm in my bed and am going to have to get up in about 20 minutes to start feeding when Lev gets back.

Anyways, I've become a bit of scrabble addict on facebook so I"m going to go check my games and see how I'm doing.

Au revoir!