
5:41 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Rejection #2.
(Or three if you want to be real technical.)

It's strange but the more punches you get thrown the more you learn how to take. Even though it sucked getting those "we regret to inform you..." letters, I'm not sad. I mean it hurt but I just shook it off and kept my head held high.

I know that my life is taken care of. If I trust in myself, if I work hard and thoroughly, and if I put my faith in God then everything will be ok. You can't tear me down, because I'm just gonna keep crawling to the top. You can't keep me down, because the future is just going to keep coming and I'm going to keep grabbing at it, taking gigantic pieces of it to sit on my plate and swallow down hole.

You can't keep me down because I am happy and have decided to be happy and to always be happy. I've glued the light switch on. There's no shutting me off, no shutting me up. I'm gonna makedamnsure this little light of mine shines bright enough to see the glorious future waiting down the road.

It's amazing, the power of the human spirit.
You can't keep me from success.
You can't make me miserable.

- xoxo