Thoughts On Life...

9:03 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Some days I wish I were a dinosaur
No hair to dry and straighten
Or wash and curl
Or endlessly re-dye.

I could be a Longneck
And see the world from soaring heights
My head permanently in the clouds.
I would travel endlessly
From tree to tree
Until I ended up in a new world,
But it wouldn't be so new.
The same faces would surround me
And I'd be happy with my herd.

Or I could be a triceratops
With great horns protruding from my face,
Pretending to be some great big brute,
But everyone would know that it was just a hoax.
"All bark and no bite," They'd say.

Did you know that Triceratops were loners?
I always thought they lived in families,
But just now, I learned they didn't.
The book says "it's a commonly mistrowed fact."
Triceratops skeletons have never been found together.

I think I would rather be a Triceratops
Than a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
And I'd rather be a Longneck
Than a Triceratops.

But if I had my choice,
If I could go back
60, 70, 80 million years - whatever
I think I'd like to be a

Awkward, yet beautiful.
Powerful, but kind.
A misfit.

And I'd always have my spikes,
Perfectly done up.

- Dinosaur Sounds Are Fun.
Keep it real.

4:27 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Thanksgiving is an amazing holiday.

12:54 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Somedays are just a sad slow song that leave you wanting more. I'm stir crazy and I want to go home.

What happens to a dream deferred?

6:17 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Today was so many things, but mostly it was tremendously heart-breaking.
I mean that both literally and figuratively.


I really wish I could run. My goal for the summer was to run the road-race, but I could barely do the little I did even though I tried so hard. The most discouraging thing in the world is to do your best and have it still not be good enough. You have to accept what you've got and still need to work harder, still will...

And then you hit that wall, that invisible unsurmountable wall, and you can't breath. And the pain becomes so much that you buckle over - pride makes you look like your doing it on purpose, even when no one else is around., I'm fine, really, you tell yourself. I'm just stretching. My legs are tight. Don't want to pull a muscle!

So you run two more laps even though you can't. It becomes a forced stumble forward where your feet just sort of fall in front of you and the only thing that's moving them is the bass blaring through your headphones and scheer iron will. The whole thing is one long awkward dance between what you want to do and what you are actually able to do.

And then you start to think: It's your own fault. You should have gone slower. And you don't know what makes you feel worse the fact that you can't do it or that fact that you're an idiot and tried to do it to fast. But...the voice in your head says....that's what running's all about. Speed.

When you finally stop running and you can feel the blood rushing through your finger tips like a million raindrops sliding down your skin or more unnerving, up it. You're hands are one massive lump of fleshy confusion so much blood going in and out and round and you can feel it in each finger tip, up and down.

When you finally get some place where you can sit you realize how fucking exhausted you are. Five laps. That nothing. A little more than a mile. Pathetic. The pain in your stomach isn't going away and you begin to cough, not loud. The quiet cough, you know the type that sounds forced. But this one isn't. And all at once you can't breath again. Too much. Is the oxygen going in or out? Something isn't processing this right. So you start weezing and coughing again.

You get back to your room and are so tired all you want to do is sleep, but you have work to do and people you need to talk to. You sign online and realize you can barely read what people are typing. The letters have gone for a merry-go-round ride and nothing is stationary. It'll stay like this for hours. Sometimes even after you wake up. That's the worst because you expect to be ok and then you aren't. When it's like that you just want to shut your eyes and go back to bed to make the spinning go away.

This is the only eye exam you'll ever fail. 20/20 vision does you tons of good when the letters bounce all over the page. Sometimes you put on glasses. You can't tell if this helps or not. You like to think it does. You like to think you're doing something because the fact that you're powerless over your own body is terrifying.


Then there was the fact that today made you absolutely miserable. I'm not sure if I've ever seen you that upset. And the realization that all I could do was stand by you as you worked it out was a little painful. I know I can't take your pain away, but know that if I could I would. I can't take it away, but I'll stand by you while you work through it. I'll hold your hand. I'll send you my thoughst and prayers. Everything I can think of...but we both know that only you can fix it and we both know you will.

Open your eyes look at me
I'll bring to you whatever you need
And I'll tell you I'm sorry
That I can't take this pain away from you
And I'd put it on my own body if I knew how to
Can’t you see?

I've gotta bust you outta here somehow
I've never seen your heart this tired
I've never seen your spirit held down


Hugs and Kisses

"Nobody Can Be Uncheered by a Balloon..."

9:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Most days, you wake up in the morning only to look outside your window. Nothing particularly extraordinary happens. Maybe you have a noteworthy thought but nothing life-altering.

Some days are just another tick mark on the calendar, another number off the great count-down. You go through them half awake, running on coffee thoughts. Or you lose your head behind a wall of grey. The colors are always fading then. Somedays are good, somedays are bad, but none seem particularly important. Looking back, they're indecipherable. They bleed together into one long memory punctuated with ellipses that mean "what if..." Or "maybe tomorrow" or "hopefully" but nothing ever comes of them. Your life becomes one long run-on sentence, and you know all you really need is a stop, a pause to catch your breath.

And you know somewhere in all the chaos that is your life you find that pause. Even though it may take months or even years to find it. But you'll know it when you find it. And a pause isn't a vacation from life. That's not a pause at all. A pause is a moment where everything shuts down. Your caterpillar-soul finally breaks through the cocoon its been living in for so long and you fly out eager to finally greet the rest of the world gasping for the greatest parts of life to come into you, like a kid that spent to long in the deep end of a pool and rushes to the top to take the biggest breath he can and boy, does that oxygen taste good.

Well you know that saying, "You don't know what you got till it's gone," well it works both ways. You don't know what you were missing until you get it. It's like an inside joke that's gone over your head for years and suddenly you get it and burst out laughing. Oh the stupidity - of course that's what it was.

Of course, of course, of course. Except, I know that's not the case. Living in the moment, you can never recognize the problem - you only know there is one. Hindsight is everything.

The best day of your life is the day you can look yourself in the mirror and see yourself as you are, in this very moment, and accept yourself for who you are. When you can look past all your faults and all the things you've done wrong and all the things you could have done or should have done or should be doing and honestly say that right now things are as best as they can be. I am as good a person I can be. I'm doing the best I can. And if you aren't happy with what that is you know that you can change it.

The best day of your life is when you look in the mirror and accept who you are and accept responsibility for all that was and that will be as your own doing...
When you can do that you will always be able to find happiness.
This is my red balloon and I'm giving it to you...
(that's all life was ever about anyways...)

5:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

He hid his heart in a paper bag

I saw that hidden image

through the brown walls.

Mesmorized, I fell in love.

5:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
what a wonderful day.


9:32 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Blue like his eyes and
that underwater feeling
unable - to breath, to think -
choking on tears.

I wanted to stop,
make it go away,
but I didn't know how.


5:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Everything finally makes sense...and this is no fleeting revelation. It's an epiphany that's here to stay...

big things are brewing.
I feel like I've been completely remade...


Some Will Seek Forgivness, Others Escape...

8:02 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
You know, when I think about my life and how things are right now, I get a little depressed. I don't think this is what I really want at all, but then I don't really think I know what it is I want either. I'm not quite ready for any of this.

Big things are coming but we never had a chance to brace ourselves. The storm is on the front porch and the clothes are still out on the line. The more I'm here the less I want to be. The music is getting bigger and bigger but I don't know what for. This build-up seems so out of place. So superfluous.

I just want a calm score, some rainy day clouds and a spot beside the fire. I guess the trouble is I don't really want anything. Just a little peace and quite and a target to shot at. I don't really want to be here but I don't know where I would. Certainly there are people I'd rather be with than without, but not even that so much. I can live with that, you know.

I'm playing the same board game I was last year. Going around rolling the same dice, landing in the same pegs. Right now, all I have is more of the same. Another little New England town that's not quite suburb not quite City. Falmouth in New York. Everything is just a skewed photocopy of somewhere else in space and time.

This liminal life has me waiting for something better to come along.
Nothing here excites me.
This place is like the weather - constantly grey.
It's like home but worse.
The people here are boring. Washed out by the weather.
Knock a cold one back and add a new angle. It's the only way things'll look better.

At least at home I have friends and family and pets and a place to call my own.
Everything here is on temporary loan. This is one big library and I want to check out.

Well I' clicking my heels but I'm not going anywhere. There's no place like home. Except when it's all like home. I'm sick of this black-and-white lifestyle. Color my world. Scribble on it. Anything. I'm bored out of my fucking mind and I don't even know why.

I want to run to the city and live in an appartment above my own coffee shop. I want to live surrounded by people who always have something new to say. With big smiles straying on their faces and bigs arms that are always waiting for hugs. I want to sit down and write for hours and watch the traffic go by. Except I don't even know if I want any of that. I want to make funky clothes and paintings and take pretty pictures. I want dogs and fish.

Really, I don't want anything complicated. Just something simple. Something worthwhile. Maybe I want to teach. Maybe all I really want to do is come up with new ideas and hope that someone else likes them.

I hate this waiting for tomorrow or next week or next month sort of living. Today is all you've ever got.

All I really like to do is spew my thoughts on paper.

I don't know. I like to write. But I never really care what it's about. I don't know what it is I want, but I know that right now this isn't it. Sometimes, I wish the rest of my life would hurry up and get here already.

Maybe all I want to do is write. Maybe I'm tired of waiting for my big break. Maybe I just want a little time where that's all I have to do. I don't know.

But here and now when I think about my life it depresses me. This place is awful.
Someone come and take me home.

I'm praying for an escape.
Break me out.

Food for Thought

2:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
How come
it’s always when your stuck in traffic
on the hottest day of the year
that your air conditioner

8:58 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Perfection is possible; this weekend was proof.