No Road Signs...

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So much has happened and I find myself lost and confused. I know what I believe and I know what I don't believe - still their are intersections where my mind keeps trying to drown out the words of my heart. Or where my heart is already under too much constraint to breath its own opinion

And even though I feel the truth so deeply, my heart still hurts and I'm not sure why that is. It's snowing out, but I don't feel like snow. I feel like a piece of paper on fire, the way it slowly burns and goes up into itself and then just disappears into nothing.

I have so much I need to speak but I open my mouth and find I have nothing to say except what's already been said. And maybe the reason I can't voice anything is because I haven't discovered what it is I need to voice. I feel so many things and so many of them are opposites to one another - what am I supposed to do?

Some days, I just get so frustrated that you don't...listen.
Or that you see what I need or maybe just want...but don't cave in.

I'm lost.
Please come find me.