
8:06 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Start Running

It starts with a simple statement: the truth and then it grows and spreads like the seeds of trees and soon you're seeing it sprout up all over the place trying to be that little burst of color that catches your eye, or at least tries to.

Don't you know that the world is watching you. Doesn't the world know that your watching it. Everyone is just looking for the perfect moment to strike. Everyone is waiting for the gunshot. The best possible time to go. Take the lead. Run. Faster. Faster Faster Faster.

I'm running off of a migraine. My fingers are merely expressing that which they know. Not expressing just digesting the air that's in me that makes up these hollow words/worlds.

I am creating beauty. I am taming the beast.

And don't ask me what any of this means in the morning because after a certain point my brain shuts down and I run on auto-mode. I keep chewing on the same ideas. I don't know how much more I can suck out of them.

Lets just go fly a kite.
Now Take Off.