
6:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This weekend saw caffeine passing itself off as blood as I darted from place to place. But holy hell was it worth it. Who would have thought that a small college in Maine could host one of the sickest shows I've been to in awhile? Sure, it helped that a whole crew of us from Boston drove up...but man.

Barefoot truth.
Pete Francis.

Three and a half hours of music with no intermission, no set change, no nothing. People just coming and going from stage as they felt...

Favorite parts must have been All Good Reasons being played with everyone - seven people on stage or Two Coins when Brad and Garret had a harmonica dual. Talked with Pete and Katie again -- nicest people in the world as well as the boys from barefoot hitting up some more of their shows on this tour of theirs.

rumors floatin round about many a thing.

Plus, Chris and I did some snowboarding both days. Pretty good conditions -- I've got no complaints.

what an amazing weekend.

I also got pulled over after the show for anti-speeding. Going 20 in a 25. what gives.
cops are weird.
i'm tired.
