Dives 3 & 4

7:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Date: May 10, 2009
Location: Folly's Cove, Gloucester, MA

Woke up without an alarm but God knows how I did it. Scuba takes so much out of you. The weather was beautiful, though the wind was strong making for an interesting entry into the water. The ride to the dive site consisted of some good old fashioned Twilight bashing and me learning just how crazy MIT students are (pretty crazy).

I feel like I'm always the first one ready which means I usually ended up doing more work than I needed to. We were only supposed to carry down two tanks each -- both days I think I carried down (and later, back up) about eight tanks. Pretty heavy over the long term.

Getting fins on in the breaking swells was pretty tough. Every time you are about to put your fin on you'd get smashed by this big wave hitting you in the face. Eventually I got the hang of it and paddled out to sea.

It was amazing what we could see today. The dive site, Folly's Cove in Gloucester, was fascinating and completely different from Back Beach where we went yesterday. There were a lot of large rocks (the cove was basically surrounded by 5.4 / 5.5 climbs...) that were covered in plant growth. Saw another lobster but also saw some moon snails (it's intense how big they get when they are outside of their shells), a skate (so cool!), more crabs, sand dollars, flounder, and some small fish.

I wish I had some cool adventure to report, like some awesome sighting but most of diving is simply exploring, poking your head around and looking under rocks. It doesn't really make for the best of writing, but it makes for a hell of a good time. I wish I had some pictures I could post for you but...I don't.

All I can say is you should definitely check out the under water world. It's a pretty happening place. The car ride home was spent talking about different things that could try to eat you while scuba diving (my favorite topic, let me tell you) but strangely, as much as I thought it would geek me out being in "shark habitat" I realized I really wasn't.

I mean there was a lot of cool stuff to see down there but if I were a shark I think I'd find some other locale... there really wasn't a lot to eat. Anyways I am pretty beat. Already took a 3 hour nap then watched a movie.

I think I'm going to go to bed.

oh and remember to check out ocean ledges in Rockport. looked legit. I'm writing this here because otherwise I will forget...