August / First Last Day of College

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It seemed as though August simply flew by. Perhaps, that was because I didn't come back and log each of my many activities or simply because when you're at home time has a way of creeping up on you.

I spent most of my time working which although not as exciting as scuba diving or running around Thailand, does get the bills paid. Well, at least some of them at any rate.

August was filled with many adventures around Falmouth, Woods Hole, and Scraggy Neck as I never had time to go anywhere else. I think some of the highlights of my summer were a family trip to The Chart Room, the week I got back where we sat out on the wonderful sprawling lawn and watched the boats sail in as the sun set. Pigstock, my family (or rather my Dad's) annual barbeque where he smokes all things meat, was another great time. Especially because a lot of my friend's ended up coming.

Boating and Fishing were also fun though I hardly caught anything at all. On my last foray I caught one 6 inch sea bass. Talk about getting jipped. I guess they call it "fishing" and not "catching" for a reason. But every time I went out, whether with my friend John, my cousin Fred, or my cousin Vikki, I had an amazing time. The weather always cooperated and I got to enjoy a couple of fabulous sunsets, if nothing else.

Now, I'm all moved back to Boston and I've already gone swimming up here (Was the water clean, probably not) and ran into loads of friends. I'm excited about my course schedule this year:

Advanced Writing In The Social Sciences
Japanese 102
Anthropology 305: Global Capital Local Markets
Sociology 517: Globalization
Sociology 710: Political Ecology of Global Capitalism (Graduate level course!)

If you haven't figured it out by my schedule, I'm really interested in the topic of globalization! Tonight, unfortunately, I am not going to the NUHOC (the outing club at school) meeting because I have decided to try out for a play! I am preparing two monologues from the play "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder. I read the entire play yesterday in the library. It's very interesting (but not the play I am trying out for).

Anyways, I doubt much will come of it but I am going to give it my best shot! Wish me luck.

Well I am off to cook breakfast and get ready for school!
- Sarah