The writing front.

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Today I finally got a little creative writing done. It may not seem like a big deal (and it probably isn't) but I have been trying to write the same story for... well... way to long. (about a year and a half) I have officially written 3 different openings, the longest being about 70 pages and the shortest about 11. Strangely enough is they all start very different albeit similar stories. I really like two of them but have realized that since they start different stories and are aimed at different audiences (young adult vs. adult) that I can probably get away with writing two separate stories.

I also decided I want to get some chickens this summer. Mostly because I think they are funny and I like eggs. Plus, when you are done with them you can (hypothetically) eat them. I'm of the persuasion if you want to eat meat you should be able to "own up" to the deed. Right now, I'm looking at the Plymouth Rock Chicken mostly because it looks cool. It's this salt and pepper sort of deal. They are also pretty easy to take care of and lay a lot of eggs. Or maybe I will do a few different types of chickens. A sort of compare and contrast experiment if you will. It sounds fun, but I doubt it will be a cost-effective adventure or if I will even do it at all. I also think it's pretty funny that you cet them shipped in the mail. That's got to be one of the strangest packages a mailman can deliver...

Anyways, I played a lot with the dogs today because I had some free time. They're a pretty cheery lot so it's fun wandering down to say hello and scoop the occasional poop. There's something very calming about being down there. My own sort of zen.

ok. happy trails.