
12:30 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I don't understand why people aren't enough. Everyone keeps coming up to me and telling me their latest story and it always revolves around pot or booze. I don't understand why you need to alter the world to enjoy it or how altering it allows you to enjoy it more.

I find the whole thing leaves a strange taste in my mouth.

I don't care what people do. I guess I just find it sad that everything disolves into a simple quest whose end goal is altering reality. And I can't say I'm guilt-free either. But just because you do something, doesn't mean you understand the actions behind it. Maybe the whole reason I did it was to see if I could understand.

I don't know.

I'm pretty tired of people saying one thing and doing another. (myself included). I don't understand the hype surrounding alcohol and drugs and I don't think I ever will.

All I get is more questions: what are you escaping from and where are you escaping too? why do you need to escape? can you really outrun whatever it is your trying to shake? Or are you merely succumbing to peer pressure (guilty) curious to see what the "rage" is (guilty, again).

I just want people to be ok with hanging out and not want anything more.
I just want people to live life and be satisfied.

I keep trying not to make assumptions about why people do things, and so far I haven't. But sometimes I wonder if all this is so popular because we're all trying to leave so much behind. We all have our invisible suitcases that we're lugging around. Or maybe people really aren't happy with their lives or maybe their searching for some deeper meaning. Maybe it's popular simply because its something to do.

I don't know.
Maybe I'm weird always looking for a deeper meaning, but I want to understand.

What is our obsession with changing how we see the world? Via drugs or alcohol.
And has this obsession risen up because the world we've created a world (as a community) that must change, but we don't know how to change it or have we created (individually) worlds we need to escape from? Or is it some bizarre combination of both.

Sometimes I think our independence kills us because too much of it turns into isolation. I read somewhere that most people don't even know the names of all their neighbors and I actually believe that. I only loosely know mine. And when you think how important your home is, don't you think the people who neighbor your home, your resting place, would at least be of some interest to you?

I don't know.
I think too much and it's late again.