It's Undeniable How Brilliant You Are

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I have rain on my shoes. (I'm watering gardens everywhere I walk.) I wish I could go back to that time when I had this unshakable faith in people. Being a little kid sure was great. I want to go back to the days when I knew I could fly. Things change and the same way gravity let me fall is the same way people do now. It's weird to think about. I don't really get angry ever any more, but what you said hurt her and so I got a little sad. It's weird how people can't handle the most simple of interactions.

I think what I hate the most is how everyone you meet asks you how you are, but no one really wants the truth. We all want the polished answer. We want to know that you're ok so that we can be ok. Because life's a circle and it always loops around when your least expecting it, so you better surround yourself with people who've got it figured out. I don't know why this would bother me, people asking how I am, because, in general, I'm quite happy.

I guess what I hate is that it sort of gleans over compassion. Asking someone "how are you" while you walk by them doesn't exactly invite an honest response. But a lot of this world (I'm learning) doesn't live honestly. Truth is no longer currency. It's been short-changed for something cheaper, faster, quicker.

Everyone is always rushing about, but I still haven't figure out why.

I need to go to sleep.
My eyes are shut and I'm typing blind.
More on this later.