Beneath The Lights

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Do you remember the Call of the Wild? We used to live our lives so that they revolved around the sun, the moon, the earth. Now, they revolve around so much more, so much less. Light switches and shopping malls. Facts that have no relevance. Yes I know genetics are important but isn't the feel of earth in your hands and seeing something you cared for grow up into something you eat important too?

We eat fruit whose seeds we've never seen. Who's roots touch earth that never dreamed of baring them.

Six billion people. That's six billion hearts filled with love, with hate, with some sort of passion of something that keeps them alive. Six billion - and growing and lots of them go by without knowing the impact each one of their footsteps takes.

Today, wilderness is a shattered illusion. Trails through trees. The United States has laid down so many roads it would cover an area bigger than the entire state of Georgia. "We paved paradise / to put up a parking lot."

I want my hands in dirt and my fingers in fur.
I want to know that I can grow and live and be at peace with the world; that each footstep I take may not bruise the earth, but will help set her free.

I want to be the voice of a new generation, one that says, "I will speak for those who cannot speak, I will do for those who cannot do, and I will live for those who cannot live -- but most importantly I will live with a love that envelopes all and judges none. I will love the Earth who is my home and I will love all creatures great and small for no matter how different we may be, we are united together in our struggle to survive. "

I want to teach people that money does not buy happiness, it only invites injustice.
Lets live.

[need sleep]