Mud Season

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Well, we are back to the ATV.

grooving along...
 pure mud.

Mt. Monadknock off in the distance...if only it were Denali!

Nik. Nice and muddy after our trip. He's a cranky dog and has thus earned the nickname "Nik the Dick"

Things are going well. I am off to buy dog food later today which is about an hour and a bit drive away. Then back here to unload it's not that much though, only 7 bags. It was fun watching the dogs yesterday... they jumped in every mud puddle and got absolutely covered. Looked like fun. It made me remember the time a year and a half ago at school when Carter field got trashed with mud so John, Paul, and I went and played frisbe. Really, it was just an excuse to dive into the mud puddles.

Anyways I'm really looking forward to my trip to NYC this weekend. I've never been before so I have no idea what to expect. Should be fun!

I need to go make lunch / breakfast but I thought I'd just quickly share some photos from yesterday.