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Life can be incredibly beautiful. What a fantastic weekend. Between the rocks and the stars and the pseudo rock stars I have a enough stories to keep me going for a long while. Life is one continuous motion. We're all just in it for the ride.

I think the best parts are those unexpected friendships. The ones where you didn't think what was going to happen does and it's totally serendipitous and it leaves you on a slow motion upwards ride. From on top the world looks mighty fine.

Lately, my biggest frustration is other people being unhappy. I want to snatch away their pain and just say "here! take my glasses! the world's much friendlier through different lenses." But you know how it goes. Sometimes what we see as beauty is another's tragedy.

Sometimes we trump around stories because we don't know what else to do with him. They're like explosions inside us and if don't let them out we threaten to tear ourselves a part. Or sometimes life is just so beautiful that we just need to share it. Not to compare it, but just to say. Wow. Aren't things amazing?

I saw a ghost last night. No joke. I'm still wigged out. The way the boundaries seemed to blur between the living and the dead. The past and the future. So much came together this weekend and so much finally ended.

Believe it or not, I think my favorite part was talking while doing dishes or sitting out on the back porch in the cold looking for shooting stars. Just one of those things where you are totally absorbed in the moment. Time seems to escape you and all that you become are words and stories and ideas and the future seems oh so infinite and everything seems oh so possible.

The glorious thing is, you wake up from your reverie and find out it is.

Live it.
Love it.