With Stunning Golds and Hues

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I'm working on another slam. It's been awhile. I still haven't memorized the ones I've written. Whatever. Sometimes you pour out words just because the bottle is overflowing. You can't always catch them all, but oh if you could.

Lets get this straight
I am not a pill you pop
I cannot dissolve your problems
I won’t presume to think I can solve them
I’m not your personal God or Goddess
So don’t pray to me.
Don’t come up to me,
Fall on your knees
And scream “save me.”
Became I am not your savior.
I can’t alter your behavior.
And if you want in on my journey
You had best be signing a waiver
Because I’m telling you now,
People are going to get hurt.
I may be someone’s counter-part
But I am not a band-aid that can fix a broken heart.

So stop presuming I'll be assuming that position
I'm not a physician and the only ambition I have is to be
An electrician cause I want to rewire your eyes
Make you see that every breath you breathe is a surprise
Every thought you think the water to baptize yourself in.
So start dreaming and grow yourself a pool to swim in.
Then dream bigger and give yourself a lake to live in.


What I can do is this:
Hum hallelujahs and love poems
That flow so far out they hit the ocean
Evaporate by the sun then
Dissipate on everyone
A thousand I love yous a minute
Getting soaked straight into your skin

But I need you to know I don't delete the past
I just water the seeds that grow the future
I can't cut down the weeds in your forest
I just help the trees already there to grow.

"Every good beginning comes from some other beginnings end..."

I am dreaming in a thousand different languages. I think I could talk to anyone at this point. Draw them a picture of my heart and say "read this" and get a smile as answer.The feeling flows from my toes to my nose. I've got a heart on that just grows and grows and grows. Someday, I'm going to swallow the entire world and show it a love it's never known.

Give me your heart / that would be the start / of something beautiful / la de da da da / and that's how the song goes / and this smile of mine / just grows and grows and grows...

Sometimes the purest moments get photographed in your heart just to be distorted by everyone else's reality. Shine bright. Shine bright. You shine oh so bright.

Sometimes you throw your cards down and walk away from the table early just to find it being played somewhere else. I wanted what I said to have some deeper meaning. But lately I can't quite capture what's on my mind, on my heart.

I'm a riddle who's answer escapes even the author.

Less is more.
All you need is sunshine, rain, and a little bit of lightening.
That's some pretty intense fire.
