Light Switch Lifestyles

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Some days you do the same thing over and over because it's the only thing you know how do to. Rinse, wash, repeat. I've been filled with little robots that are moving me along. Steady as she goes. But where is it that she's going?

You move with the rhythm that makes up your life and when someone hits the wrong beat you don't know how to dance. I'm confused but I'm not worried. I feel so many things and so many are warring with one another. Blurred.

The more I try to explain things the less sense I make. But I think everything is going to whirl itself into something wonderful. The way you take the pieces of one thing and then transform them into another. Each moment just builds upon another. We're constantly composting our pasts too make a better future.

I don't know. I miss you. I'm ok. I just am a little lonely here and there. I wish we could talk. I don't understand but I'm trying so desperately hard to. I don't know if you even if want me to understand or maybe understanding is so far beyond the both of us. Stumbling. Strange but I think everything is going to work out. You're going to be ok. I'm going to be ok. And I think with some work and some walking, we'll be ok.

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