Day 10

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Today had that slow day feel to it. We spent a lot of time inside talking about concepts and I saddled off into daydreaming (whoops). When it was time to break free I was supposed to go out at 1 pm but Thai people are nearly impossible to move. We didn't leave until about 3pm which literally meant two hours of sitting around and doing nothing.

It was painfully boring and I got pretty aggrivated. When we did finally leave we went to a temple which was absolutely gorgeous and met with a monk. For those of you who don't know, meeting with a monk is stressful because there are so many weird cultural traditions that you have to follow. For example you cannot, under any circumstance, touch a monk. You also can never put your feet in his direction. Then there is the whole issu of wai--ing (pronounced Y) which is the bow you do in Thailand. You bow all the time except for monks there is this whole special routine for wai-ing which includes bowing to the floor... The monk kept laughing at Julie and I who got the routine horribly wrong.

He was very good at his English and therefore talked with us, which the Thai girls we were with later told us was "very impolite." He gave us sa-sei which are blessed bracelets and threw water at us.

Today is Chiang Mai's 713 about an old city...

Last night we went shopping and I worked on my bargaining skills. I got 5 outfits for about $30 USD. What I like is I'm not getting the clothes because they are "Thai" I'm getting them because really, it's what I would pick out at home. They have good style over here (haha).

Dinner took forever because they cook one meal at a time (this is true virtually wherever you go) and there were 11 of us.

Sorry this is so scattered, I'm writting on my lunch break and want to go get some delicious Thai food before I have to head back.
