Day 13 / City Rush / Dancing

7:25 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
The laundry machines here are super high-tech -- I guess it's because we are so close to Japan or something. But seriously, you put a load in and there is some sort of internal scale and it washes based on how much your load of laundry weighs. This is a great concept until you are met with a time constraint. I was a little late to class because I had to spread things out over my balcony to dry. Driers aren't necessary in this environment, provided you have a covered area to hang things in.

School was more of the "usual business" which, I guess, is very unusual in the scheme of things. I am having a great time both in and out of the classroom. I had lunch witha friend at the resturaunt across the street. We all go there so frequently that I think they've come to expect two or three of us for both breakfast and lunch. I got hot and sour soup. Delicious!

After lunch, we embarked on a city wide scavenger hunt. I was really looking forward to it despite the "Thai Monsoon" that had broken out. But our group had a bit of an issue with group dynamics and my energy was quickly burst. So running around in the city became a headache rather than an exciting adventure. Oh well.

Last night we went to a dance club. We were again met with the awkward fact that many Thais simply don't dance but man! Can those Djs spin! The music and the clubs are unbelievable. I can't imagine anything being like that in the US and if it were it would definitely be saved for the uber rich. We went to two different clubs and both had multiple rooms, sitting areas, lounges, and music choices. Live bands vs. Djs and the what not. I'm not really sure how to describe the experience simply because it was so unique. Thais love lasers, bright lights, and disco balls and are not afraid to throw them together in a weird mix-mash that is absolutely blinding.

Because we stand out, we are also an object of fascination. It's weird dancing when you know the rest of the room keeps looking in your direction. It's even worse when some of them try to dance with you. Mostly because the club scene there has such a wide age range and there were some old sceevy Thai guys.

Today is rainy here. We have the day off but I think everyone is just on the relax-track. At least I know I am. Well I am off to book a reservation for tonight. We are going on a dinner cruise complete with American cuisine! Crazyness!

Ok ciao.


Bob the Accountant said...

Now that sounds like a delightful day. We should petition NU to get some of that kick-arse laundry machines. I'd move back on campus just to try 'em.