Day 19 / Nantaram Village / Walking Street / Going out / Day 20

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Yesterday we spent the morning at Nantaram village where we handed out brochures we made. The brochures were "sex ed on a page." We focused primarily on sexually transmitted diseases and condom use. It was a little bizarre handing them out especially because the Thai students would tell us "you can hand it to that person but not to that one" when to me, there was no perceviable difference. Everyone who got the brochure looked at it. I hope it was useful.

After that we had sixteen freshman from the day before volunteer their time to help hand out brochures and condoms. I don't know what I had been expecting from them but I think they passed any expectations I ever could have set. They were not shy at all! They paraded around handing out fliers and condoms to anyone who looked their age with passion. Over all it was a huge success.

I'm not really sure what else to write about the event itself -- not because there isn't a lot to say, but because I've spent the past twenty-four hours writing about it. Maybe I will post some of that here when I get a chance.

After, we all went out to the bar to celebrate. They don't do pitchers of beer here. Instead they do pitchers of these weird mixed drinks that come in blue, red, or brown. They are really sugary and sweet and you drink it out of a glorified shot glass. The bar scene in Thailand is very interesting simply because its so different and so similar to the US. The biggest difference is hardly anyone was drinking beer (they all had these pitchers) and people were hanging out more than anything. I wouldn't call what they did going out drinking.

Today I have spent the day trying to get work for our press conference done. It's been really stressful. I've been working with the Thai students a lot trying to help them translate. I feel like you have to hold their hands through a lot of things. They will say "yes we will do this" but unless you sit down and do it with them, it doesnt get done. For fun, I went out with Nat on her motor bike. We went to the bookstore (comic books) where her mom works so I got to meet her. Then there was a Thai monsoon so we stopped and got some icecream with fruit.

When the rain had lightened up a bit, we got back on her bike and went to visit her grandmother. Her grandmother lives with her aunt on a hospital compound. Because of her job at the hospital, her aunt gets free housing there. From what I have understood, this is relatively common.

Now its work! work! work!

Tonight, maybe I will go to the walking street, but who knows.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah...I would have loved to have a been a fly on the wall watching the students pass out the sex ed information to their peers....they will be talking about it forever. It sounds like they were really enthusiastic so you must have made a great impression on them....good for you and your group. You must have worked hard! Love and miss you....MOM:) is raining again:(