Day 12 / "Meditating"

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สวัสดีฉันชื่อ Sarah และฉันศึกษาในประเทศไทยที่มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ 

Our project is coming along nicely. Thought I'd give you a taste of the Thai alphabet. Their writing is unbelievably beautiful but I cannot understand how anyone writes it! Lots of practie I suppose.

I wish I had some outstanding adventure to rely but Alas, I don't. We visited the Chiang Mai family planning clinic and then the McCormic hospital to talk about our group project. Communicating with Thais is much more different than with Americans. They circumvent everything and talk in circles endlessly. Plus you always have to bring gifts.

After those visits (which were more frusterating than anything else) Julie and I went to a meditation class. When we showed up the studio was locked so we started walking home but the woman we spoke with (Petch) pulled over in her car and said no! no! come with me! so we drove back to the studio and then had a 1.5 hour long conversation about her religion...there was nomeditating.

Either way it was sort of interesting what she believed. It's an actual religion, I think it's called Raja Yoga & Meditation (at least that's what the sign on the door said)... I think it's an offshoot of Hinduism or something. But she was talking about reincarnation of the souland two types of conscientiousness. Body-conscious and Soul-conscious. She said it was our job to learn how to se with the soul and that the goal of meditating is to lose your "body-self." She said everyone was "brother and sister" in spirit. It was interesting and there wer so many ties to other Faiths. But I really just wanted to meditate. I wasn't really going religion shopping...

After, my group and I went out to dinner. Broken English hand -gesture conversations are the norm. It's funny how we are "almost celebrities" everywhere we go people are excited to talk to us and want us to wave to them...It's nice feeling so special!

Anyways, I'm going to head out. I'm at an internet cafe and the keyboard doesn't work very well and I'm getting annoyed.



Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, Sounds like you are making progress with your project so that's great. The Thai alphabet looks beautuiful but difficult although I could read your name! Miss and love you..Mom:)